Section 11.3: Assessing trend in cancer rates in the US

Sujit K. Sahu

University of Southampton



This file contains all the code for reproducing the figures and tables for assessing trend in US cancer rates as discussed in Section 11.3.

## Note the start time
# figurepath <- "YourPath"   # Folder to save or read the figures from
# filepath <- "YourFilePath" # Folder to save or read the tables from 
figurepath <- "figures/chap11figures/usa/"
filepath <- "txttables/"
dpath <- "datafiles/" # Folder containing the data files 
longrun <- FALSE  # Should we run the model to check the results. 
# If FALSE we use the results, e.g. tables, figures and model fits from previous runs  
if (!longrun) load(file="mcmc_output_files/uscancer/m422.RData")
load(file=paste0(dpath, "C11us48cancerdata.RData"))
colpalette <- c("dodgerblue4",  "dodgerblue2",  "firebrick2",   "firebrick4",   "purple")     
## Warning in .recacheSubclasses(def@className, def, env): undefined subclass
## "numericVector" of class "Mnumeric"; definition not updated

1 Code to reproduce Figures in Section 11.4

##          Name state fips  totcount   totpop  totrate   AIAN.HL  AIAN.NHL
## 1     Alabama    AL    1  25611.33  4736261 540.1333 0.1272515 0.5892589
## 2     Arizona    AZ    4  29450.87  6363790 462.0467 1.3033103 4.2843893
## 3    Arkansas    AR    5  15938.33  2894066 550.0467 0.1995402 0.7781714
## 4  California    CA    6 165372.00 37325590 442.7733 1.2801805 0.5671331
## 5    Colorado    CO    8  22118.60  5047750 437.6800 0.9988665 0.7593700
## 6 Connecticut    CT    9  21617.73  3555387 607.9467 0.2868551 0.2620113
##       API.HL   API.NHL    BAA.HL   BAA.NHL  White.HL White.NHL
## 1 0.08855458  1.264443 0.2878583 26.567691  3.073277  68.00167
## 2 0.37435044  3.157346 0.6966057  4.198725 27.147177  58.83810
## 3 0.08576009  1.550466 0.2291451 15.805733  5.679722  75.67146
## 4 0.81832412 14.032092 0.8891200  6.373004 34.193313  41.84683
## 5 0.25679949  3.199021 0.5706648  4.324408 18.605895  71.28497
## 6 0.18256169  4.045786 1.5652350 10.071039 11.344880  72.24163
plot_usmap(data = us48cancertot, values = "totrate", color = "red", exclude=c("AK", "HI")) +
  # scale_fill_continuous(name = "Cancer rate", label = scales::comma) +
  name = "Cancer rate") +
  theme(legend.position = "right")

ggsave(paste0(figurepath, "uscancer_rate.png"),  width=8.27, height=3.44, dpi=300)

us48cancertot$white <- us48cancertot$White.HL + us48cancertot$White.NHL
com1 <- c("gray15","gray17","gray19","gray21",  "white")#colour palette

plot_usmap(data = us48cancertot, values = "White.NHL", color = "red", exclude=c("AK", "HI")) +
  # scale_fill_continuous(name = "Cancer rate", label = scales::comma) +
                       name = "Percentage of White") +
  theme(legend.position = "right")

ggsave(paste0(figurepath, "percentage_of_white.png"),  width=8.27, height=3.44, dpi=300)

cor(us48cancertot$totrate, us48cancertot$white)
## [1] 0.1255233

cor(us48cancertot$totrate, us48cancertot$White.NHL)
## [1] 0.4569091

plot_usmap(data = us48cancertot, values = "BAA.NHL", color = "red", exclude=c("AK", "HI")) +
  # scale_fill_continuous(name = "Cancer rate", label = scales::comma) +
                       name = "Percentage") +
  theme(legend.position = "right")

ggsave(paste0(figurepath, "baa_nhl.png"),  width=8.27, height=3.44, dpi=300)

## Now the plots
# Plot the observed smr for all the years

##          Name state fips  totcount   totpop  totrate   AIAN.HL  AIAN.NHL
## 1     Alabama    AL    1  25611.33  4736261 540.1333 0.1272515 0.5892589
## 2     Arizona    AZ    4  29450.87  6363790 462.0467 1.3033103 4.2843893
## 3    Arkansas    AR    5  15938.33  2894066 550.0467 0.1995402 0.7781714
## 4  California    CA    6 165372.00 37325590 442.7733 1.2801805 0.5671331
## 5    Colorado    CO    8  22118.60  5047750 437.6800 0.9988665 0.7593700
## 6 Connecticut    CT    9  21617.73  3555387 607.9467 0.2868551 0.2620113
##       API.HL   API.NHL    BAA.HL   BAA.NHL  White.HL White.NHL    white
## 1 0.08855458  1.264443 0.2878583 26.567691  3.073277  68.00167 71.07494
## 2 0.37435044  3.157346 0.6966057  4.198725 27.147177  58.83810 85.98527
## 3 0.08576009  1.550466 0.2291451 15.805733  5.679722  75.67146 81.35118
## 4 0.81832412 14.032092 0.8891200  6.373004 34.193313  41.84683 76.04015
## 5 0.25679949  3.199021 0.5706648  4.324408 18.605895  71.28497 89.89087
## 6 0.18256169  4.045786 1.5652350 10.071039 11.344880  72.24163 83.58651
us48cancertot$totcount <- round(us48cancertot$totcount)
a1 <- sum(us48cancertot$totcount)
a2 <- sum(us48cancertot$totpop)
rr <- a1/a2
us48cancertot$exptot <- rr * us48cancertot$totpop
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    2926   10453   24135   33637   37189  197084
##  [1] "Name"      "state"     "fips"      "totcount"  "totpop"    "totrate"  
##  [7] "AIAN.HL"   "AIAN.NHL"  "API.HL"    "API.NHL"   "BAA.HL"    "BAA.NHL"  
## [13] "White.HL"  "White.NHL" "white"     "exptot"

us48cancertot$logexptot <- log(us48cancertot$exptot)

##   fips state Year totcount  totpop totrate malescount malespop malesrate
## 1    1    AL 2003    21472 4503491   476.8      11228  2179422     515.2
## 2    1    AL 2004    22951 4530729   506.6      12024  2192872     548.3
## 3    1    AL 2005    23342 4565917   511.2      12172  2211403     550.4
## 4    1    AL 2006    24113 4628981   520.9      12798  2243501     570.4
## 5    1    AL 2007    25086 4672840   536.8      13236  2265565     584.2
## 6    1    AL 2008    26093 4718206   553.0      13708  2287949     599.1
##   femalescount femalespop femalesrate    AIAN.HL  AIAN.NHL     API.HL   API.NHL
## 1        10244    2324069       440.8 0.06708129 0.5561019 0.05142677 0.9124255
## 2        10927    2337857       467.4 0.07808898 0.5614108 0.06045385 0.9714331
## 3        11170    2354514       474.4 0.08941301 0.5661292 0.06757400 1.0243107
## 4        11315    2385480       474.3 0.10133980 0.5719185 0.07634510 1.0712509
## 5        11850    2407275       492.3 0.11241558 0.5782351 0.08480924 1.1150392
## 6        12385    2430257       509.6 0.12699742 0.5833997 0.09126350 1.1586819
##      BAA.HL  BAA.NHL White.HL White.NHL unemployment
## 1 0.2035754 26.22443 1.975512  70.00944          6.0
## 2 0.2141819 26.25379 2.147623  69.71302          5.7
## 3 0.2288719 26.26904 2.345592  69.40907          4.5
## 4 0.2426236 26.34064 2.557496  69.03839          4.0
## 5 0.2551981 26.36388 2.771569  68.71885          4.0
## 6 0.2730275 26.41459 2.978441  68.37359          5.7
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    2370    9755   24241   33637   38868  176983
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##   2.600   4.500   5.400   5.921   7.000  13.700
a1 <- sum(us48cancer0317$totcount)
a2 <- sum(us48cancer0317$totpop)
rr <- a1/a2
us48cancer0317$exptot <- rr * us48cancer0317$totpop
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    2658   10061   23959   33637   38976  208034

mus48cancer0317 <- us48cancer0317
mus48cancer0317$obs_smr <- mus48cancer0317$totcount/mus48cancer0317$exptot

mr <- range(mus48cancer0317$obs_smr)
## [1] 0.6187699 1.3236774
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##  0.6188  0.9578  1.0312  1.0251  1.1107  1.3237

b <- c(-Inf, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, Inf)
labss <- c("<0.8", "0.8-1", "1-1.2", ">1.2")

mus48cancer0317$catsmrobs <- factor(cut(mus48cancer0317$obs_smr, breaks=b,  labels=labss))
##  <0.8 0.8-1 1-1.2  >1.2 
##    30   238   397    55
## < table of extent 0 >
##   fips state Year totcount  totpop totrate malescount malespop malesrate
## 1    1    AL 2003    21472 4503491   476.8      11228  2179422     515.2
## 2    1    AL 2004    22951 4530729   506.6      12024  2192872     548.3
## 3    1    AL 2005    23342 4565917   511.2      12172  2211403     550.4
## 4    1    AL 2006    24113 4628981   520.9      12798  2243501     570.4
## 5    1    AL 2007    25086 4672840   536.8      13236  2265565     584.2
## 6    1    AL 2008    26093 4718206   553.0      13708  2287949     599.1
##   femalescount femalespop femalesrate    AIAN.HL  AIAN.NHL     API.HL   API.NHL
## 1        10244    2324069       440.8 0.06708129 0.5561019 0.05142677 0.9124255
## 2        10927    2337857       467.4 0.07808898 0.5614108 0.06045385 0.9714331
## 3        11170    2354514       474.4 0.08941301 0.5661292 0.06757400 1.0243107
## 4        11315    2385480       474.3 0.10133980 0.5719185 0.07634510 1.0712509
## 5        11850    2407275       492.3 0.11241558 0.5782351 0.08480924 1.1150392
## 6        12385    2430257       509.6 0.12699742 0.5833997 0.09126350 1.1586819
##      BAA.HL  BAA.NHL White.HL White.NHL unemployment   exptot   obs_smr
## 1 0.2035754 26.22443 1.975512  70.00944          6.0 23779.00 0.9029816
## 2 0.2141819 26.25379 2.147623  69.71302          5.7 23922.82 0.9593769
## 3 0.2288719 26.26904 2.345592  69.40907          4.5 24108.62 0.9682015
## 4 0.2426236 26.34064 2.557496  69.03839          4.0 24441.60 0.9865556
## 5 0.2551981 26.36388 2.771569  68.71885          4.0 24673.18 1.0167314
## 6 0.2730275 26.41459 2.978441  68.37359          5.7 24912.72 1.0473765
##   catsmrobs
## 1     0.8-1
## 2     0.8-1
## 3     0.8-1
## 4     0.8-1
## 5     1-1.2
## 6     1-1.2
## [1] 720  24
##  [1] "fips"         "state"        "Year"         "totcount"     "totpop"      
##  [6] "totrate"      "malescount"   "malespop"     "malesrate"    "femalescount"
## [11] "femalespop"   "femalesrate"  "AIAN.HL"      "AIAN.NHL"     "API.HL"      
## [16] "API.NHL"      "BAA.HL"       "BAA.NHL"      "White.HL"     "White.NHL"   
## [21] "unemployment" "exptot"       "obs_smr"      "catsmrobs"
com <- c("green4", "green2", "yellow", "red2")

i <- 2003
##  [1] "fips"         "state"        "Year"         "totcount"     "totpop"      
##  [6] "totrate"      "malescount"   "malespop"     "malesrate"    "femalescount"
## [11] "femalespop"   "femalesrate"  "AIAN.HL"      "AIAN.NHL"     "API.HL"      
## [16] "API.NHL"      "BAA.HL"       "BAA.NHL"      "White.HL"     "White.NHL"   
## [21] "unemployment" "exptot"       "obs_smr"      "catsmrobs"
## [1] 720  24
dp <- mus48cancer0317[mus48cancer0317$Year==i, c("fips", "state", "catsmrobs")]
##    fips state catsmrobs
## 1     1    AL     0.8-1
## 16   10    DE     1-1.2
## 31   12    FL     1-1.2
## 46   13    GA     0.8-1
## 61   16    ID     0.8-1
## 76   17    IL     0.8-1
smr2003 <- plot_usmap(data = dp, values = "catsmrobs", color = "red", exclude=c("AK", "HI")) +
  scale_fill_manual(values =com, guides("SMR"), guide = guide_legend(reverse=TRUE), na.translate = FALSE) +
  #  scale_fill_gradientn(colours=com,na.value="black",limits=mr, name = "smr") +
  theme(legend.position = "right")  +
  # theme(legend.position = "none") +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face = "bold")) +
  labs(title= i)

i <- 2004
dp <- mus48cancer0317[mus48cancer0317$Year==i, c("fips", "state", "catsmrobs")]
smr2004 <- plot_usmap(data = dp, values = "catsmrobs", color = "red", exclude=c("AK", "HI")) +
  scale_fill_manual(values =com, guides("SMR"), guide = guide_legend(reverse=TRUE), na.translate = FALSE) +
  theme(legend.position = "right")  +
  # theme(legend.position = "none") +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face = "bold")) +
  labs(title= i)

i <- 2005
dp <- mus48cancer0317[mus48cancer0317$Year==i, c("fips", "state", "catsmrobs")]
smr2005 <- plot_usmap(data = dp, values = "catsmrobs", color = "red", exclude=c("AK", "HI")) +
  scale_fill_manual(values =com, guides("SMR"), guide = guide_legend(reverse=TRUE), na.translate = FALSE) +
  theme(legend.position = "right")  +
  # theme(legend.position = "none") +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face = "bold")) +
  labs(title= i)

i <- 2006
dp <- mus48cancer0317[mus48cancer0317$Year==i, c("fips", "state", "catsmrobs")]
smr2006 <- plot_usmap(data = dp, values = "catsmrobs", color = "red", exclude=c("AK", "HI")) +
  scale_fill_manual(values =com, guides("SMR"), guide = guide_legend(reverse=TRUE), na.translate = FALSE) +
  theme(legend.position = "right")  +
  # theme(legend.position = "none") +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face = "bold")) +
  labs(title= i)

i <- 2007
dp <- mus48cancer0317[mus48cancer0317$Year==i, c("fips", "state", "catsmrobs")]
smr2007 <- plot_usmap(data = dp, values = "catsmrobs", color = "red", exclude=c("AK", "HI")) +
  scale_fill_manual(values =com, guides("SMR"), guide = guide_legend(reverse=TRUE), na.translate = FALSE) +
  theme(legend.position = "right")  +
  # theme(legend.position = "none") +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face = "bold")) +
  labs(title= i)

i <- 2008
dp <- mus48cancer0317[mus48cancer0317$Year==i, c("fips", "state", "catsmrobs")]
smr2008 <- plot_usmap(data = dp, values = "catsmrobs", color = "red", exclude=c("AK", "HI")) +
  scale_fill_manual(values =com, guides("SMR"), guide = guide_legend(reverse=TRUE), na.translate = FALSE) +
  theme(legend.position = "right")  +
  # theme(legend.position = "none") +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face = "bold")) +
  labs(title= i)

i <- 2009
dp <- mus48cancer0317[mus48cancer0317$Year==i, c("fips", "state", "catsmrobs")]
smr2009 <- plot_usmap(data = dp, values = "catsmrobs", color = "red", exclude=c("AK", "HI")) +
  scale_fill_manual(values =com, guides("SMR"), guide = guide_legend(reverse=TRUE), na.translate = FALSE) +
  theme(legend.position = "right")  +
  # theme(legend.position = "none") +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face = "bold")) +
  labs(title= i)

i <- 2010
dp <- mus48cancer0317[mus48cancer0317$Year==i, c("fips", "state", "catsmrobs")]
smr2010 <- plot_usmap(data = dp, values = "catsmrobs", color = "red", exclude=c("AK", "HI")) +
  scale_fill_manual(values =com, guides("SMR"), guide = guide_legend(reverse=TRUE), na.translate = FALSE) +
  theme(legend.position = "right")  +
  # theme(legend.position = "none") +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face = "bold")) +
  labs(title= i)

i <- 2011
dp <- mus48cancer0317[mus48cancer0317$Year==i, c("fips", "state", "catsmrobs")]
smr2011 <- plot_usmap(data = dp, values = "catsmrobs", color = "red", exclude=c("AK", "HI")) +
  scale_fill_manual(values =com, guides("SMR"), guide = guide_legend(reverse=TRUE), na.translate = FALSE) +
  theme(legend.position = "right")  +
  # theme(legend.position = "none") +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face = "bold")) +
  labs(title= i)

i <- 2012
dp <- mus48cancer0317[mus48cancer0317$Year==i, c("fips", "state", "catsmrobs")]
smr2012 <- plot_usmap(data = dp, values = "catsmrobs", color = "red", exclude=c("AK", "HI")) +
  scale_fill_manual(values =com, guides("SMR"), guide = guide_legend(reverse=TRUE), na.translate = FALSE) +
  theme(legend.position = "right")  +
  # theme(legend.position = "none") +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face = "bold")) +
  labs(title= i)

i <- 2013
dp <- mus48cancer0317[mus48cancer0317$Year==i, c("fips", "state", "catsmrobs")]
smr2013 <- plot_usmap(data = dp, values = "catsmrobs", color = "red", exclude=c("AK", "HI")) +
  scale_fill_manual(values =com, guides("SMR"), guide = guide_legend(reverse=TRUE), na.translate = FALSE) +
  theme(legend.position = "right")  +
  # theme(legend.position = "none") +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face = "bold")) +
  labs(title= i)