Sujit Sahu

Sujit Sahu

Professor of Statistics

University of Southampton


Sujit Sahu is a Professor of Statistics at the University of Southampton. He is the author of the book Introduction to Probability, Statistics & R; Foundations for Data-Based Sciences, published by Springer Nature in 2024.

He is also the author of the book Bayesian modeling of spatio-temporal data with R published by Chapman and Hall/CRC Press. Here is a (Twitter) X video introducing the book.

This textbook is one of the top 20 winners of the Book Authority Best Bayesian Statistics Books of All Time.

Download Sujit’s resumΓ©.

  • Bayesian modeling
  • Bayesian computation
  • Spatio-temporal data modeling
  • PhD in Statistics, 1994

    University of Connecticut

  • Master of Statistics, 1989

    Indian Statistical Institute

Experience and Employment

Supervision Record, Experience and Employment history

Post-graduate Supervision

Here is a list of all my past post-docs, PhD and MSc students.

Research Grants Obtained

Education and Experience

Educational Qualifications and Experience.

Employment History

University of Southampton
Professor, Senior Lecturer and Lecturer in Statistics
Sep 1999 – Present Southampton, UK
Cardiff University
Lecturer in Statistics
Jan 1997 – Aug 1999 Cardiff
University of Cambridge
Research Associate
Mar 1994 – Dec 1996 Cambridge

R package ‘bmstdr’

The package source is available from CRAN and github. Here is a full version of the vignette.

  • Please install the package directly from CRAN.
    install.packages("bmstdr", dependencies = TRUE)
  • There is a long list of dependent packages that may need to be installed on your computer. You may find the commands in this R file useful to install those packages.
  • Development version of the package can be installed from github using the R command:
    devtools::install_github("sujit-sahu/bmstdr", build_vignettes = TRUE)
  • You may check the installation:
  • Here is a full version of the vignette. This version has not been distributed with the package because of file size limitation in CRAN.

  • A pdf version of the manual is also available.
  • Here is a conference poster for bmstdr.


  • School of Mathematical Sciences, Southampton, SO17 1BJ
  • DM Me