Chapter 7: Bayesian modeling for point referenced spatio-temporal data

Sujit K. Sahu

University of Southampton



This file contains all the code for reproducing the figures in Chapter 7.

## Note the start time
# Download mapfiles and data files from
figurepath <- "figures/chap7figures/"
filepath <- "txttables/"
mappath <- "mapfiles/"
longrun <- FALSE
f2 <- y8hrmax~xmaxtemp+xwdsp+xrh
colpalette <- c("dodgerblue4",  "dodgerblue2", "firebrick2",   "firebrick4",   "purple")  
longrun <- FALSE 
load(file=paste0(mappath, "kcoords.RData"))
## Warning in .recacheSubclasses(def@className, def, env): undefined subclass
## "numericVector" of class "Mnumeric"; definition not updated

1 Code to reproduce Table 7.1

##   s.index Longitude Latitude     utmx    utmy Year Month Day y8hrmax xmaxtemp
## 1       1   -73.757   42.681 601838.1 4726140 2006     7   1   53.88 27.85772
## 2       1   -73.757   42.681 601838.1 4726140 2006     7   2   57.13 30.11563
## 3       1   -73.757   42.681 601838.1 4726140 2006     7   3   72.00 30.00001
## 4       1   -73.757   42.681 601838.1 4726140 2006     7   4   36.63 27.89656
## 5       1   -73.757   42.681 601838.1 4726140 2006     7   5   42.63 25.65698
## 6       1   -73.757   42.681 601838.1 4726140 2006     7   6   30.88 24.61968
##      xwdsp      xrh
## 1 5.459953 2.766221
## 2 8.211767 3.197750
## 3 4.459581 3.225186
## 4 3.692225 4.362334
## 5 4.374314 3.950320
## 6 4.178086 3.420533

M1 <- Bsptime(model="lm", formula=f2, data=nysptime, scale.transform = "SQRT", 
## ##
## # Total time taken:: 0.01  - Sec.
##  The lm model has been fitted using bmstdr code in R.
## Call:
## Bsptime(formula = f2, data = nysptime, model = "lm", scale.transform = "SQRT", 
##     N = 5000)
## ##
## # Total time taken:: 0.01  - Sec.
## Model formula
## y8hrmax ~ xmaxtemp + xwdsp + xrh
## Parameter Estimates:
##               mean    sd   2.5%  97.5%
## (Intercept)  2.223 0.240  1.754  2.693
## xmaxtemp     0.175 0.007  0.162  0.188
## xwdsp        0.089 0.012  0.065  0.113
## xrh         -0.173 0.028 -0.228 -0.119
## sigma2       0.555 0.019  0.519  0.593
## [1] 0
## [1] 1736
##  No other plots implemented for this model fitting method.
##  Note that the residuals are provided on the transformed scale. Please see the scale.transform argument.
## Summary of the residuals
##      Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max.      NA's 
## -2.364104 -0.527171  0.001326 -0.002186  0.501164  2.514540        24
## tn has not been supplied in residuals and it is 
##     not possible to figure this out. Hence a time series plot of the residuals
##     has not been provided here.
##  Note that the residuals are provided on the transformed scale. 
##     Please see the scale.transform argument.

a <- residuals(M1, numbers=list(sn=28, tn=62))
##  Note that the residuals are provided on the transformed scale. Please see the scale.transform argument.
## Summary of the residuals
##      Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max.      NA's 
## -2.364104 -0.527171  0.001326 -0.002186  0.501164  2.514540        24

a <- residuals(M1, numbers=list(sn=28))
##  Note that the residuals are provided on the transformed scale. Please see the scale.transform argument.
## Summary of the residuals
##      Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max.      NA's 
## -2.364104 -0.527171  0.001326 -0.002186  0.501164  2.514540        24
## tn has not been supplied in residuals and it is 
##     not possible to figure this out. Hence a time series plot of the residuals
##     has not been provided here.
   ## Spatio-temporal model fitting

M2 <- Bsptime(model="separable", formula=f2, data=nysptime, scale.transform = "SQRT", 
              coordtype="utm", coords=4:5,  N=5000)
## ##
## # Total time taken:: 0.01  - Sec.
##  [1] "params"           "fit"              "max.d"            "fitteds"         
##  [5] "phi.s"            "phi.t"            "residuals"        "sn"              
##  [9] "tn"               "formula"          "scale.transform"  "package"         
## [13] "model"            "call"             "computation.time"
##  The separable model has been fitted using bmstdr code in R.
## Call:
## Bsptime(formula = f2, data = nysptime, model = "separable", coordtype = "utm", 
##     coords = 4:5, scale.transform = "SQRT", N = 5000)
## ##
## # Total time taken:: 0.01  - Sec.
## Model formula
## y8hrmax ~ xmaxtemp + xwdsp + xrh
## Parameter Estimates:
##               mean    sd   2.5%  97.5%
## (Intercept)  0.191 1.740 -3.219  3.602
## xmaxtemp     0.259 0.037  0.187  0.331
## xwdsp        0.010 0.035 -0.059  0.079
## xrh         -0.011 0.109 -0.226  0.203
## sigma2      12.189 0.414 11.405 13.027
## [1] 0.005072598
## [1] 0.0483871
table7.1 <- cbind(M1$params, M2$params)
dput(table7.1, file=paste0(filepath, "table7.1.txt"))
print(round(table7.1, 2))
##              mean   sd  2.5% 97.5%  mean   sd  2.5% 97.5%
## (Intercept)  2.22 0.24  1.75  2.69  0.19 1.74 -3.22  3.60
## xmaxtemp     0.17 0.01  0.16  0.19  0.26 0.04  0.19  0.33
## xwdsp        0.09 0.01  0.06  0.11  0.01 0.04 -0.06  0.08
## xrh         -0.17 0.03 -0.23 -0.12 -0.01 0.11 -0.23  0.20
## sigma2       0.55 0.02  0.52  0.59 12.19 0.41 11.40 13.03
# xtable(table7.1, digits=2)
# a <- phichoicep()
valids <-  c(8,11,12,14,18,21,24,28)
vrows <-  which(nysptime$s.index%in% valids)

M2.1 <- Bsptime(model="separable",  formula=f2, data=nysptime, 
             validrows=vrows, coordtype="utm", coords=4:5,
             phi.s=0.005, phi.t=0.05, scale.transform = "SQRT")
## ##
## # Total time taken:: 7.61  - Sec.

##  [1] "params"           "fit"              "max.d"            "fitteds"         
##  [5] "stats"            "yobs_preds"       "valpreds"         "phi.s"           
##  [9] "phi.t"            "residuals"        "sn"               "tn"              
## [13] "formula"          "scale.transform"  "package"          "model"           
## [17] "call"             "computation.time"
## [1] 2000  496
u <- get_validation_summaries(M2.1$valpreds)
## [1] 496   5
##   meanpred    sdpred medianpred      low       up
## 1 67.86876 11.203631   66.89214 48.59173 91.42743
## 2 66.02045 11.012413   65.57377 45.88358 89.08762
## 3 58.56413 10.636774   58.43256 39.25781 80.54063
## 4 58.23229 10.559617   57.67607 39.85306 80.69852
## 5 42.09230  8.741677   41.86654 26.63715 59.88194
## 6 31.87050  7.653939   31.41477 18.79720 48.34924
M1 <- Bsptime(model="lm", formula=f2, data=nysptime, 
              validrows=vrows, scale.transform = "SQRT")
## ##
## # Total time taken:: 7.14  - Sec.

##  The lm model has been fitted using bmstdr code in R.
## Call:
## Bsptime(formula = f2, data = nysptime, model = "lm", validrows = vrows, 
##     scale.transform = "SQRT")
## ##
## # Total time taken:: 7.14  - Sec.
## Model formula
## y8hrmax ~ xmaxtemp + xwdsp + xrh
## Parameter Estimates:
##               mean    sd   2.5%  97.5%
## (Intercept)  2.303 0.293  1.728  2.878
## xmaxtemp     0.174 0.008  0.159  0.190
## xwdsp        0.089 0.015  0.061  0.118
## xrh         -0.190 0.034 -0.256 -0.125
## sigma2       0.588 0.024  0.543  0.636
## Validation Statistics:
##   rmse    mae   crps    cvg 
##  9.367  7.549  5.627 97.951
##  The separable model has been fitted using bmstdr code in R.
## Call:
## Bsptime(formula = f2, data = nysptime, model = "separable", coordtype = "utm", 
##     coords = 4:5, validrows = vrows, scale.transform = "SQRT", 
##     phi.s = 0.005, phi.t = 0.05)
## ##
## # Total time taken:: 7.61  - Sec.
## Model formula
## y8hrmax ~ xmaxtemp + xwdsp + xrh
## Parameter Estimates:
##               mean    sd   2.5%  97.5%
## (Intercept)  0.164 1.652 -3.074  3.402
## xmaxtemp     0.258 0.036  0.188  0.328
## xwdsp        0.002 0.034 -0.065  0.068
## xrh          0.008 0.107 -0.201  0.217
## sigma2      10.334 0.415  9.552 11.179
## Validation Statistics:
##   rmse    mae   crps    cvg 
##  6.497  5.013 10.670 99.590
##  No other plots implemented for this model fitting method.
##  Note that the residuals are provided on the transformed scale. Please see the scale.transform argument.
## Validation has been performed. The residuals include the validation observations as well. 
##     Expect the return value to be of the same length as the supplied data frame.
## Summary of the residuals
##     Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max.     NA's 
## -3.11069 -0.97055 -0.47227 -0.47438  0.04332  2.13322       24
##  Note that the residuals are provided on the transformed scale. 
##     Please see the scale.transform argument.
## Validation has been performed
## The fitted values include the validation observations as well. 
## Expect the return value to be of the same length as the supplied data frame.

## Validation Statistics:

##   rmse    mae   crps    cvg 
##  6.497  5.013 10.670 99.590

## $pwithseg

## $pwithoutseg

## $pordinary

plot(M2.1, segments = F)
##  No other plots implemented for this model fitting method.
##  Note that the residuals are provided on the transformed scale. Please see the scale.transform argument.
## Validation has been performed. The residuals include the validation observations as well. 
##     Expect the return value to be of the same length as the supplied data frame.
## Summary of the residuals
##     Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max.     NA's 
## -3.11069 -0.97055 -0.47227 -0.47438  0.04332  2.13322       24
##  Note that the residuals are provided on the transformed scale. 
##     Please see the scale.transform argument.
## Validation has been performed
## The fitted values include the validation observations as well. 
## Expect the return value to be of the same length as the supplied data frame.

## Validation Statistics:

##   rmse    mae   crps    cvg 
##  6.497  5.013 10.670 99.590

## $pwithseg

## $pwithoutseg

## $pordinary

f2 <- y8hrmax~xmaxtemp+xwdsp+xrh

M3 <- Bsptime(package="spTimer", formula=f2, data=nysptime, 
              coordtype="utm", coords=4:5, scale.transform = "SQRT", 
##  Output: GP models 
## ---------------------------------------------------------------
##  Sampled: 5000 of 5000, 100.00%.
##  Batch Acceptance Rate (phi): 37.45%
##  Checking Parameters: 
##    phi: 0.0163, sig2eps: 0.0165, sig2eta: 0.6449
##    beta[1]: 1.1776   beta[2]: 0.1870   beta[3]: 0.1530   beta[4]: -0.0405
## ---------------------------------------------------------------
## ## 
## # nBurn =  1000 , Iterations =  5000 . 
## # Overall Acceptance Rate (phi) =  37.44 % 
## ## 
## ##
## # Elapsed time: 6.16 Sec.
## ##
## # Model: GP
table7.2 <- M3$params
round(table7.2, 3)
##               mean    sd   2.5%  97.5%
## (Intercept)  2.140 0.452  1.259  3.031
## xmaxtemp     0.171 0.013  0.145  0.196
## xwdsp        0.114 0.021  0.073  0.155
## xrh         -0.126 0.052 -0.225 -0.019
## sig2eps      0.018 0.004  0.012  0.026
## sig2eta      0.586 0.071  0.484  0.758
## phi          0.014 0.002  0.011  0.017
dput(table7.2, file=paste0(filepath, "table7.2.txt"))

nymap <- map_data(database="state",regions="new york")
##        long      lat group order   region subregion
## 1 -73.92874 40.80605     1     1 new york manhattan
## 2 -73.93448 40.78886     1     2 new york manhattan
## 3 -73.95166 40.77741     1     3 new york manhattan
## 4 -73.96312 40.75449     1     4 new york manhattan
## 5 -73.96885 40.73730     1     5 new york manhattan
## 6 -73.97458 40.72584     1     6 new york manhattan
s <- c(1, 5, 10)
fcoords <- nyspatial[-s, c("Longitude", "Latitude")]
vcoords <- nyspatial[s,  c("Longitude", "Latitude")]
label <- tibble(
   long = -76.1,
   lat = 41.5,
   label = "25 fitted (circles) & 3  \n  validation (numbered) sites"

vsites3 <- ggplot() +
   geom_polygon(data=nymap, aes(x=long, y=lat, group=group),
                color="black", size = 0.6, fill=NA) +
   geom_point(data =fcoords, aes(x=Longitude,y=Latitude)) +
   geom_text(data=vcoords, aes(x=Longitude,y=Latitude, label=s), col=4) +
   labs( title= "28 air pollution monitoring sites in New York", x="Longitude", y = "Latitude") +
   geom_text(aes(label=label, x=long, y=lat), data = label, vjust = "top", hjust = "right")  +
   # geom_rect(mapping=aes(xmin=-80.2, xmax=-77.3, ymin=41, ymax=41.6), color="black", fill=NA) + 
   geom_rect(mapping=aes(xmin=-78.7, xmax=-75.8, ymin=41, ymax=41.6), color="black", fill=NA) + 
   ggsn::scalebar(data =nymap, dist = 100, location = "bottomleft", transform=T, dist_unit = "km",
                  st.dist = .05, st.size = 5, height = .06, st.bottom=T, model="WGS84") +
   ggsn::north(data=nymap, location="topleft", symbol=12) 

ggsave(filename=paste0(figurepath, "3_validation_sites_nydata.png"))
## Saving 7 x 5 in image
f2 <- y8hrmax~xmaxtemp+xwdsp+xrh

tn <- 62
valids <- c(1, 5, 10)
validt <- sort(sample(1:62, size=31))
vrows <- getvalidrows(sn=28, tn=62, valids=valids, validt=validt)
ymat <- matrix(nysptime$y8hrmax, byrow=T, ncol=tn)
yholdout <- ymat[valids, validt]
M31 <- Bsptime(package="spTimer",formula=f2, data=nysptime, 
               coordtype="utm", coords=4:5,
               validrows=vrows, model="GP", 
               mchoice=F, =1, scale.transform = "NONE", N=5000)
##  Output: GP models 
## ---------------------------------------------------------------
##  Sampled: 5000 of 5000, 100.00%.
##  Batch Acceptance Rate (phi): 37.71%
##  Checking Parameters: 
##    phi: 0.0139, sig2eps: 9.9769, sig2eta: 107.8830
##    beta[1]: -10.1861   beta[2]: 2.0792   beta[3]: 1.8684   beta[4]: -1.8902
## ---------------------------------------------------------------
## ## 
## # nBurn =  1000 , Iterations =  5000 . 
## # Overall Acceptance Rate (phi) =  37.7 % 
## ## 
## ##
## # Elapsed time: 6.07 Sec.
## ##
## # Model: GP
## ##
## # Total time taken:: 11.04  - Sec.
##  The  GP  model has been fitted using the  spTimer  package.
## Call:
## Bsptime(formula = f2, data = nysptime, package = "spTimer", model = "GP", 
##     coordtype = "utm", coords = 4:5, validrows = vrows, scale.transform = "NONE", 
##     N = 5000, = 1, mchoice = F)
## ##
## # Total time taken:: 11.04  - Sec.
## Model formula
## y8hrmax ~ xmaxtemp + xwdsp + xrh
## Parameter Estimates:
##                mean     sd    2.5%   97.5%
## (Intercept) -17.146  6.379 -29.858  -4.307
## xmaxtemp      2.349  0.176   1.992   2.698
## xwdsp         1.545  0.294   0.964   2.112
## xrh          -1.557  0.751  -3.010  -0.035
## sig2eps       8.623  1.390   6.178  11.511
## sig2eta     112.043 13.713  92.320 144.628
## phi           0.013  0.002   0.010   0.016
## Validation Statistics:
##    rmse     mae    crps     cvg 
##   5.510   4.262   5.339 100.000
modfit <- M31$fit

## Extract the fits for the validation sites
fitall <- data.frame(modfit$fitted)
##       Mean        SD
## 1 61.23963 10.103878
## 2 58.96459  9.862792
## 3 59.68148  9.992403
## 4 44.86823 10.154895
## 5 37.93188 10.459307
## 6 30.52798 10.290717
fitall$s.index <- rep(1:28, each=tn)
## ## spTimer version: 3.3.1
vdat <- spT.subset(data=nysptime,"s.index"), s=valids)

fitvalid <- spT.subset(data=fitall,"s.index"), s=valids)
##   s.index     Mean        SD
## 1       1 61.23963 10.103878
## 2       1 58.96459  9.862792
## 3       1 59.68148  9.992403
## 4       1 44.86823 10.154895
## 5       1 37.93188 10.459307
## 6       1 30.52798 10.290717
fitvalid$low <- fitvalid$Mean - 1.96 * fitvalid$SD
fitvalid$up <- fitvalid$Mean + 1.96 * fitvalid$SD
# fitvalid$yobs <- sqrt(vdat$y8hrmax)
fitvalid$yobs <- vdat$y8hrmax

yobs <- matrix(fitvalid$yobs, byrow=T, ncol=tn)
y.valids.low <- matrix(fitvalid$low, byrow=T, ncol=tn) <- matrix(fitvalid$Mean, byrow=T, ncol=tn)
y.valids.up <- matrix(fitvalid$up, byrow=T, ncol=tn)

p1 <- fig11.13.plot(yobs[1, ], y.valids.low[1, ],[1, ], y.valids.up[1, ], misst=validt)
p1 <- p1 + ggtitle("Validation for Site 1")
p2 <- fig11.13.plot(yobs[2, ], y.valids.low[2, ],[2, ], y.valids.up[2, ], misst=validt)
p2 <- p2 + ggtitle("Validation for Site 5")
p3 <- fig11.13.plot(yobs[3, ], y.valids.low[3, ],[3, ], y.valids.up[3, ], misst=validt)
p3 <- p3 + ggtitle("Validation for Site 10")
ggarrange(p1, p2, p3, common.legend = TRUE, legend = "top", nrow = 3, ncol = 1)

ggsave(filename=paste0(figurepath, "validation_plot_BCG_spTimer.png"), device = "png")
## Saving 7 x 5 in image
sitemeans <- function(a, sn, tn=62) { 
   u <- matrix(a, nrow=sn, ncol=tn, byrow=T)
   b <- apply(u, 1, mean)
post <- M3$fit
gpred <- predict(post, newdata=gridnysptime, newcoords=~Longitude+Latitude)
u <- gpred$pred.samples
v <- apply(u, 2, sitemeans, sn=100)
a <- get_parameter_estimates(t(v)) 
b <- data.frame(gridnyspatial[, 1:5], a) 
meanmat <- post$op
sig2eps <-  post$sig2ep
sige <- sqrt(sig2eps)
itmax <- ncol(meanmat)
nT <- nrow(nysptime)
sigemat <- matrix(rep(sige, each=nT), byrow=F, ncol=itmax)
a <- matrix(rnorm(nT*itmax), nrow=nT, ncol=itmax)
ypreds <- meanmat + a * sigemat
ypreds <-  (ypreds)^2
v <- apply(ypreds, 2, sitemeans, sn=28)
a <- get_parameter_estimates(t(v)) 
fits <- data.frame(nyspatial[, 1:5], a)
b <- rbind(b, fits)
coord <- nyspatial[, c("Longitude","Latitude")]
xo <- seq(from=min(coord$Longitude)-0.5, to = max(coord$Longitude)+0.8, length=200)
yo <- seq(from=min(coord$Latitude)-0.25, to = max(coord$Latitude)+0.8, length=200)
surf <- interp(b$Longitude, b$Latitude, b$mean,  xo=xo, yo=yo)
v <-

interp1 <- data.frame(long = v$x, v$z )
names(interp1)[1:length(v$y)+1] <- v$y
interp1 <- gather(interp1,key = lat,value =Predicted,-long,convert = TRUE)
nymap <- map_data(database="state",regions="new york")

zr <- range(interp1$Predicted, na.rm=T)
P <- ggplot() +  
geom_raster(data=interp1, aes(x = long, y = lat,fill = Predicted)) +
geom_polygon(data=nymap, aes(x=long, y=lat, group=group), color="black", size = 0.6, fill=NA) + 
geom_point(data=coord, aes(x=Longitude,y=Latitude))  +
stat_contour(data=na.omit(interp1), aes(x = long, y = lat,z = Predicted), colour = "black", binwidth =2) +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours=colpalette, na.value="gray95", limits=zr) +
theme(axis.text = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank()) +
ggsn::scalebar(data =interp1, dist = 100, location = "bottomleft", transform=T, dist_unit = "km", st.dist = .05, st.size = 5, height = .06, st.bottom=T, model="WGS84") +
ggsn::north(data=interp1, location="topleft", symbol=12) +
labs(x="Longitude", y = "Latitude", size=2.5) 

surf <- interp(b$Longitude, b$Latitude, b$sd,  xo=xo, yo=yo)
v <-
interp1 <- data.frame(long = v$x, v$z )
names(interp1)[1:length(v$y)+1] <- v$y
interp1 <- gather(interp1,key = lat,value =sd,-long,convert = TRUE)
nymap <- map_data(database="state",regions="new york")

zr <- range(interp1$sd, na.rm=T)
Psd <- ggplot() +  
   geom_raster(data=interp1, aes(x = long, y = lat,fill = sd)) +
   geom_polygon(data=nymap, aes(x=long, y=lat, group=group), color="black", size = 0.6, fill=NA) + 
   geom_point(data=coord, aes(x=Longitude,y=Latitude))  +
   stat_contour(data=na.omit(interp1), aes(x = long, y = lat,z = sd), colour = "black", binwidth =0.1) +  
   scale_fill_gradientn(colours=colpalette, na.value="gray95", limits=zr) +
   theme(axis.text = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank()) +
   ggsn::scalebar(data =interp1, dist = 100, location = "bottomleft", transform=T, dist_unit = "km",
                  st.dist = .05, st.size = 5, height = .06, st.bottom=T, model="WGS84") +
   ggsn::north(data=interp1, location="topleft", symbol=12) +
   labs(x="Longitude", y = "Latitude", size=2.5) 

if (longrun) {
M1.c <- Bsptime(model="lm", formula=f2, data=nysptime, 
          scale.transform = "SQRT", mchoice=T)
M2.c <- Bsptime(model="separable",  formula=f2, data=nysptime, 
          coordtype="utm", coords=4:5, phi.s=0.005, phi.t=0.05, 
          scale.transform = "SQRT", mchoice=T)
M3.c <- Bsptime(package="spTimer", model="GP", 
        formula=f2, data=nysptime, coordtype="utm", 
        coords=4:5, scale.transform = "SQRT", 
        mchoice=T, N=5000,
M4.c <- Bsptime(package="stan",formula=f2, data=nysptime, 
        coordtype="utm", coords=4:5, scale.transform = "SQRT", 
        N=1500,, mchoice=T, verbose = F)
table7.3 <- M4.c$params
dput(table7.3, file=paste0(filepath, "table7.3.txt"))

table7.4 <- cbind(M1.c$mchoice, M2.c$mchoice, M3.c$mchoice, M4.c$mchoice)
dput(table7.4, file=paste0(filepath, "table7.4.txt"))
aresid <- residuals(M4.c)
ggsave(filename=paste0(figurepath, "M4_residuals.png"))
} else {
  table7.4 <- dget(file=paste0(filepath, "table7.4.txt"))

round(table7.4, 2)
##            [,1]    [,2]    [,3]    [,4]
## pdic       5.06    5.07   78.65   30.70
## pdicalt    5.38    5.38  841.96   31.37
## dicorig 3912.25 3214.02 3132.10 2695.77
## dicalt  3912.88 3214.64 4658.72 2697.11
## pwaic1     4.95   14.11   48.53    9.32
## pwaic2     4.97   14.18  132.90   10.31
## waic1   3912.14 2449.15 2603.86 2088.81
## waic2   3912.18 2449.30 2772.60 2090.79
## gof      963.68  285.75  216.75  328.83
## penalty  967.10  240.63  873.84  361.70
## pmcc    1930.78  526.38 1090.59  690.54
# xtable(table7.4, digits=2)
if (longrun) {
valids <- c(8,11,12,14,18,21,24,28)
vrows <- getvalidrows(sn=28, tn=62, valids=valids, allt=T)

M1.v <- Bsptime(model="lm", formula=f2, data=nysptime, 
                scale.transform = "SQRT", validrows=vrows)
M2.v <- Bsptime(model="separable",  formula=f2, data=nysptime, 
                coordtype="utm", coords=4:5, 
                phi.s=0.005, phi.t=0.05, scale.transform = "SQRT", 
M3.v <- Bsptime(package="spTimer", model="GP", formula=f2, data=nysptime, 
                coordtype="utm", coords=4:5, scale.transform = "SQRT", 
                 validrows=vrows, N=5000,

M4.v <- Bsptime(package="stan",formula=f2, data=nysptime, 
                coordtype="utm", coords=4:5, scale.transform = "SQRT", 
                N=1500,,  validrows=vrows,
                verbose = F)

psums <- get_validation_summaries(t(M4.v$valpreds))
a <- obs_v_pred_plot(yobs=M4.v$yobs_preds$y8hrmax, predsums=psums, segments = FALSE)
ggsave(filename = paste0(figurepath, "obs_v_pred_stan.png"))
table7.5 <- cbind(unlist(M1.v$stats), unlist(M2.v$stats), unlist(M3.v$stats), 
dput(table7.5, file=paste0(filepath, "table7.5.txt"))
#xtable(table7.5, digits=2)
} else {
  table7.5 <- dget(file=paste0(filepath, "table7.5.txt"))
##      [,1]     [,2]     [,3]     [,4]    
## rmse 9.367171 6.497137 6.401791 6.405868
## mae  7.549492 5.0126   4.938585 4.836409
## crps 5.627457 10.66969 6.791781 3.334424
## cvg  97.95082 99.59016 99.59016 93.03279

M5 <- Bsptime(package="spTimer", model="AR", formula=f2, data=nysptime, 
                coordtype="utm", coords=4:5, scale.transform = "SQRT", 
                mchoice=T,  N=5000,
##  Output: AR models 
## ---------------------------------------------------------------
##  Sampled: 5000 of 5000, 100.00%.
##  Batch Acceptance Rate (phi): 27.93%
##  Checking Parameters: 
##    phi: 0.0079, rho: 0.5568, sig2eps: 0.0160, sig2eta: 0.6058
##    beta[1]: 2.3222   beta[2]: 0.0671   beta[3]: 0.0327   beta[4]: -0.3421
## ---------------------------------------------------------------
## ## 
## # nBurn =  1000 , Iterations =  5000 . 
## # Overall Acceptance Rate (phi) =  27.92 % 
## ## 
## ##
## # Elapsed time: 6.51 Sec.
## ##
## # Model: AR
## ##
## # Total time taken:: 6.52  - Sec.

a <- residuals(M5)
##  Note that the residuals are provided on the transformed scale. Please see the scale.transform argument.
## Summary of the residuals
##     Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max.     NA's 
## -1.64400 -0.25597  0.01703  0.01725  0.27419  1.76014       24

ggsave(filename=paste0(figurepath, "M5_residuals.png"))
## Saving 7 x 5 in image
##  The  AR  model has been fitted using the  spTimer  package.
## Call:
## Bsptime(formula = f2, data = nysptime, package = "spTimer", model = "AR", 
##     coordtype = "utm", coords = 4:5, scale.transform = "SQRT", 
##     N = 5000, = 1, mchoice = T)
## ##
## # Total time taken:: 6.52  - Sec.
## Model formula
## y8hrmax ~ xmaxtemp + xwdsp + xrh
## Parameter Estimates:
##               mean    sd   2.5%  97.5%
## (Intercept)  1.437 0.540  0.383  2.513
## xmaxtemp     0.091 0.015  0.060  0.122
## xwdsp        0.031 0.023 -0.014  0.078
## xrh         -0.191 0.060 -0.304 -0.074
## rho          0.512 0.021  0.471  0.554
## sig2eps      0.014 0.002  0.010  0.019
## sig2eta      0.570 0.032  0.511  0.638
## phi          0.009 0.001  0.008  0.010
## Model Choice Statistics:
##     gof penalty    pmcc 
##  321.33  607.31  928.64
table7.6 <- M5$params
# xtable(table7.6, digits=3)

dput(table7.6, file=paste0(filepath, "table7.6.txt"))
if (longrun) {
M6 <- Bsptime(package="inla", model="AR", formula=f2, data=nysptime, 
              coordtype="utm", coords=4:5, scale.transform = "SQRT", 
# 5 minutes 
table7.7 <- M6$params
dput(table7.7, file=paste0(filepath, "table7.7.txt"))
} else {
    table7.7 <- dget(file=paste0(filepath, "table7.7.txt"))
round(table7.7, 3)
##             mean    sd   2.5%  97.5%
## xmaxtemp   0.241 0.003  0.235  0.247
## xwdsp      0.052 0.012  0.028  0.077
## xrh       -0.044 0.018 -0.077 -0.009
## rho        0.889 0.049  0.771  0.960
## sigma2eps  0.442 0.016  0.412  0.474
## sig2eta    0.764 0.518  0.197  2.086
## phi        0.348 0.144  0.155  0.715
# xtable(table7.7, digits=3)
if (longrun) {
f2 <- y8hrmax~xmaxtemp+xwdsp+xrh
valids <- c(8,11,12,14,18,21,24,28)
vrows <- getvalidrows(sn=28, tn=62, valids=valids, allt=T)

M5.v <- Bsptime(package="spTimer", model="AR", formula=f2, data=nysptime, 
              coordtype="utm", coords=4:5, scale.transform = "SQRT", 
              validrows=vrows, mchoice=T,  N=5000, = 1)

M6.v <- Bsptime(package="inla", model="AR", formula=f2, data=nysptime, 
              coordtype="utm", coords=4:5, scale.transform = "SQRT", 
              validrows=vrows, mchoice=T)

a1 <- c(M5$mchoice, unlist(M5.v$stats))
b <- as.list(M6$mchoice)
b1 <- c(b$gof, b$penalty, b$pmcc,  unlist(M6.v$stats))
b1 <- c(M6$mchoice$gof, M6$mchoice$penalty, M6$mchoice$pmcc,  unlist(M6.v$stats))

table7.8 <- rbind(a1, b1)
dput(table7.8, file=paste0(filepath, "table7.8.txt"))
} else {
    table7.8 <- dget(file=paste0(filepath, "table7.8.txt"))
##         gof   penalty     pmcc     rmse      mae     crps      cvg
## a1 321.3300 607.31000 928.6400 6.461426 4.991846 5.969121 99.38525
## b1 736.7078  21.35412 758.0619 9.719906 7.641264 2.644965 65.16393
# xtable(table7.8, digits=2)

## Registered S3 method overwritten by 'spTDyn':
##   method        from   
##   print.spTpred spTimer
## ## spTDyn version: 2.0.1
f3 <- y8hrmax~ xmaxtemp + sp(xmaxtemp)+ tp(xwdsp) + xrh
M7 <- Bsptime(package="sptDyn", model="GP", formula=f3, data=nysptime, 
      coordtype="utm", coords=4:5, scale.transform = "SQRT", 
      mchoice=T,  N=5000,
##  Output: GP models 
## ---------------------------------------------------------------
##  Sampled: 5000 of 5000, 100.00%.
##  Batch Acceptance Rate (phi): 38.07%
##  Checking Parameters: 
##    phi: 0.0171, sig2eps: 0.0133, sig2eta: 0.2656, sig2beta: 0.0591,
##                 sig2delta: 0.0466, sig2op: 0.5043,
##    rho[1]: 0.0164
##    beta[1]: 2.4459   beta[2]: 0.1842   beta[3]: -0.2190
## ---------------------------------------------------------------
##  ## Model used spatially and temporally varying dynamic parameters 
##  ## Spatial and dynamic beta parameters are omitted in the display 
## ---------------------------------------------------------------
## ## 
## # nBurn =  1000 , Iterations =  5000 . 
## # Overall Acceptance Rate (phi) =  38.06 % 
## ## 
## ##
## # Elapsed time: 22.26 Sec.
## ##
## # Model: GP
## ##
## # Total time taken:: 22.28  - Sec.
##  The  GP  model has been fitted using the  spTDyn  package.
## Call:
## Bsptime(formula = f3, data = nysptime, package = "sptDyn", model = "GP", 
##     coordtype = "utm", coords = 4:5, scale.transform = "SQRT", 
##     N = 5000, = 1, mchoice = T)
## ##
## # Total time taken:: 22.28  - Sec.
## Model formula
## y8hrmax ~ xmaxtemp + sp(xmaxtemp) + tp(xwdsp) + xrh
## Parameter Estimates:
##               mean    sd   2.5%  97.5%
## (Intercept)  1.887 0.597  0.727  3.042
## xmaxtemp     0.192 0.015  0.163  0.221
## xrh         -0.133 0.064 -0.258 -0.006
## rho1         0.263 0.231 -0.182  0.715
## sig2eps      0.015 0.003  0.011  0.021
## sig2eta      0.272 0.028  0.230  0.340
## sig2beta     0.067 0.018  0.040  0.110
## sig2delta    0.048 0.009  0.033  0.068
## sig2op       0.853 1.051  0.190  3.271
## phi          0.018 0.002  0.014  0.022
## Model Choice Statistics:
##     gof penalty    pmcc 
##  166.93  434.90  601.83

table7.9 <- M7$params
round(table7.9, 3)
##               mean    sd   2.5%  97.5%
## (Intercept)  1.887 0.597  0.727  3.042
## xmaxtemp     0.192 0.015  0.163  0.221
## xrh         -0.133 0.064 -0.258 -0.006
## rho1         0.263 0.231 -0.182  0.715
## sig2eps      0.015 0.003  0.011  0.021
## sig2eta      0.272 0.028  0.230  0.340
## sig2beta     0.067 0.018  0.040  0.110
## sig2delta    0.048 0.009  0.033  0.068
## sig2op       0.853 1.051  0.190  3.271
## phi          0.018 0.002  0.014  0.022
# xtable(table7.9, digits=3)
dput(table7.9, file=paste0(filepath, "table7.9.txt"))

out <- M7$fit
## [1]   28 4000

a <- out$betasp
u <- c(t(out$betasp))
sn <- nrow(a)
itmax <- ncol(a)
v <- rep(1:sn, each=itmax)
d <- data.frame(site=as.factor(v), sp = u)

p <- ggplot(data=d, aes(x=site, y=sp)) + 
   geom_boxplot(outlier.colour="black", outlier.shape=1,
                outlier.size=0.5) +
   geom_abline(intercept=0, slope=0, color="blue") + 
   labs(title= "Spatial effects of maximum temperature", x="Site", y = "Effects", size=2.5) 

ggsave(filename=paste0(figurepath, "sptDyn_spat_effects.png"))
## Saving 7 x 5 in image

## [1]   62 4000
b <- out$betatp
## [1]   62 4000
tn <- nrow(b)
itmax <- ncol(b)
tids <- 1:tn 
stat <- apply(b[tids,], 1, quantile, prob=c(0.025,0.5,0.975))
tstat <- data.frame(tids, t(stat))
dimnames(tstat)[[2]] <- c("Days", "low", "median", "up")
##   Days         low      median            up
## 1    1  0.13888038  0.19322979  0.2488582012
## 2    2  0.04432397  0.07818191  0.1125185634
## 3    3  0.01682599  0.07758568  0.1360425933
## 4    4  0.05000672  0.11019927  0.1695704982
## 5    5 -0.12461666 -0.06321995 -0.0005297627
## 6    6 -0.14142194 -0.06967983  0.0032164089
yr <- c(min(c(stat)),max(c(stat)))
p1 <- ggplot(data=tstat, aes(x=Days, y=median)) + 
   geom_point(size=3) + 
   ylim(yr) + 
   geom_segment(data=tstat, aes(x=Days, y=median, xend=Days, yend=low), linetype=1) +
   geom_segment(data=tstat, aes(x=Days, y=median, xend=Days, yend=up), linetype=1) +
   geom_abline(intercept=0, slope=0, col="blue") +
   labs(title="Temporal effects of wind speed", x="Days", y="Temporal effects") 

ggsave(filename=paste0(figurepath, "sptDyn_dynamic_effects.png"))
## Saving 7 x 5 in image
validt <- sort(sample(1:62, size=31))
valids <- c(1, 5, 10)
vrows <- getvalidrows(sn=28, tn=62, valids=valids, validt=validt)
ymat <- matrix(nysptime$y8hrmax, byrow=T, ncol=62)
yholdout <- ymat[valids, validt]

scale.transform <- "SQRT"
M7.v <- Bsptime(package="sptDyn", model="GP", formula=f3, data=nysptime, 
              coordtype="utm", coords=4:5, scale.transform = "SQRT", 
              mchoice=T,  N=5000, validrows=vrows,

M8 <- Bsptime(package="spBayes",  formula=f2, data=nysptime, 
              prior.sigma2=c(2, 25),
              prior.tau2 =c(2, 25),
              prior.sigma.eta =c(2, 0.001),
              coords=4:5, scale.transform = "SQRT", 
              mchoice=T,  N=5000,

M8.v <- Bsptime(package="spBayes",  formula=f2, data=nysptime, 
              coordtype="utm", coords=4:5, scale.transform = "SQRT", 
              prior.sigma2=c(2, 25),
              prior.tau2 =c(2, 25),
              prior.sigma.eta =c(2, 0.001),
              mchoice=T,  N=5000, validrows=vrows,

# summary(M8.v)
a1 <- c(M7$mchoice, unlist(M7.v$stats))
M8$mchoice <- as.list(M8$mchoice)
b1 <- c(M8$mchoice$gof, M8$mchoice$penalty, M8$mchoice$pmcc,  unlist(M8.v$stats))

table7.10 <- rbind(a1, b1)
rownames(table7.10) <- c("spTDyn", "spBayes")
dput(table7.10, file=paste0(filepath, "table7.10.txt"))
# library(xtable)
# xtable(table7.10, digits=2)

modfit <- M8$fit
N <- 5000 <- 1000
tn <- 62
ysamples <- modfit$p.y.samples[,]
# if (scale.transform=="SQRT") 
ysamples <- (ysamples)^2

quant95 <- function(x){
   quantile(x, prob=c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975))
y.hat <- apply(ysamples, 1, quant95) ## 3 by 1736
## [1]    3 1736
## Extract the ones for hold out <- matrix(y.hat[1, ], ncol=tn)
y.hat.up <- matrix(y.hat[3,], ncol=tn)
y.hat.low <- matrix(y.hat[2,], ncol=tn) <-[valids,]
y.valids.low <- y.hat.low[valids,]
y.valids.up <- y.hat.up[valids,]
## [1]  3 62

yobs <- ymat[valids,]
## change here 
p1 <- fig11.13.plot(yobs[1, ], y.valids.low[1, ],[1, ], y.valids.up[1, ], misst=validt)
p2 <- fig11.13.plot(yobs[2, ], y.valids.low[2, ],[2, ], y.valids.up[2, ], misst=validt)
p3 <- fig11.13.plot(yobs[3, ], y.valids.low[3, ],[3, ], y.valids.up[3, ], misst=validt)

# Not included 
# p1
# p2
# p3
# Not included 
## spBayes parameter plots 

beta <- apply(modfit$p.beta.samples[,], 2, quant95)
theta <- apply(modfit$p.theta.samples[,], 2, quant95)
sigma.sq <- theta[,grep("sigma.sq", colnames(theta))]
tau.sq <- theta[,grep("tau.sq", colnames(theta))]
phi <- theta[,grep("phi", colnames(theta))]

adat <- data.frame(x=1:tn, low=sigma.sq[1, ], med=sigma.sq[2, ], up=sigma.sq[3, ])
##             x      low      med       up
## sigma.sq.t1 1 1.685153 2.957488 5.667349
## sigma.sq.t2 2 1.952880 3.406915 6.642714
## sigma.sq.t3 3 2.039829 3.674009 7.078543
## sigma.sq.t4 4 2.096181 3.770592 7.638405
## sigma.sq.t5 5 2.108906 3.898746 7.970373
## sigma.sq.t6 6 2.152113 3.897676 7.911681

psigma <- ggplot() + 
   geom_point(data = adat, aes(x =x, y = med, shape=19), shape=19, col="blue", size = 2) + 
   geom_ribbon(data = adat, aes(x =x, ymin =low, ymax = up), alpha = 0.2, color = "grey50") +
   theme(legend.position ="none") + 
   labs(y = "sigma2", x = "Days") 

adat <- data.frame(x=1:tn, low=tau.sq[1, ], med=tau.sq[2, ], up=tau.sq[3, ])
##           x      low      med       up
## tau.sq.t1 1 1.466560 2.445941 4.404950
## tau.sq.t2 2 1.549077 2.616873 4.773666
## tau.sq.t3 3 1.604033 2.694501 5.088641
## tau.sq.t4 4 1.599751 2.707378 4.940954
## tau.sq.t5 5 1.676406 2.808222 5.170507
## tau.sq.t6 6 1.664785 2.803294 5.248475

ptau <- ggplot() + 
   geom_point(data = adat, aes(x =x, y = med, shape=19), shape=19, col="blue", size = 2) + 
   geom_ribbon(data = adat, aes(x =x, ymin =low, ymax = up), alpha = 0.2, color = "grey50") +
   theme(legend.position ="none") + 
   labs(y = "tau2", x = "Days") 

adat <- data.frame(x=1:tn, low=3/phi[3, ], med=3/phi[2, ], up=3/phi[1, ])
##        x      low      med       up
## phi.t1 1 239.6378 253.9526 277.0626
## phi.t2 2 241.7177 263.4341 281.0002
## phi.t3 3 240.2357 272.0259 311.4584
## phi.t4 4 263.0467 286.4816 333.5377
## phi.t5 5 289.1202 300.1259 313.8120
## phi.t6 6 279.2400 300.7139 332.7002

prange <- ggplot() + 
   geom_point(data = adat, aes(x =x, y = med, shape=19), shape=19, col="blue", size = 2) + 
   geom_ribbon(data = adat, aes(x =x, ymin =low, ymax = up), alpha = 0.2, color = "grey50") +
   theme(legend.position ="none") + 
   labs(y = "Range", x = "Days") 

ggarrange(psigma, ptau, prange, common.legend = TRUE, legend = "none", nrow = 3, ncol = 1)

ggsave(filename=paste0(figurepath, "theta_spBayes_dynamic.png"))
## Saving 7 x 5 in image

vnames <- all.vars(f2)
xnames <- vnames[-1]
k <- 4
cat("\nOnly first 4 beta parameters are plotted\n")
## Only first 4 beta parameters are plotted
beta.0 <- beta[,grep("Intercept", colnames(beta))]

adat <- data.frame(x=1:tn, low=beta.0[1,], med=beta.0[2,], up=beta.0[3,])
##                x       low      med       up
## (Intercept).t1 1 -17.71215 1.670596 19.90322
## (Intercept).t2 2 -22.03606 3.055726 27.54663
## (Intercept).t3 3 -20.24276 4.442070 29.51893
## (Intercept).t4 4 -20.85011 6.097570 32.58254
## (Intercept).t5 5 -20.79564 7.474298 34.15032
## (Intercept).t6 6 -21.49947 6.509345 35.06609
pint <- ggplot() + 
   geom_point(data = adat, aes(x =x, y = med, shape=19), shape=19, col="blue", size = 2) + 
   geom_ribbon(data = adat, aes(x =x, ymin =low, ymax = up), alpha = 0.2, color = "grey50") +
   geom_hline(yintercept=0, linetype="dashed", color = "red", size=1)+
   theme(legend.position ="none") + 
   labs(y = "Intercept", x = "Days") 

j <- 2
betaj <- beta[,grep(xnames[j-1], colnames(beta))]
adat <- data.frame(x=1:tn, low=betaj[1,], med=betaj[2,], up=betaj[3,])
ptmp <- ggplot() + 
   geom_point(data = adat, aes(x =x, y = med, shape=19), shape=19, col="blue", size = 2) + 
   geom_ribbon(data = adat, aes(x =x, ymin =low, ymax = up), alpha = 0.2, color = "grey50") +
   geom_hline(yintercept=0, linetype="dashed", color = "red", size=1)+
   theme(legend.position ="none") + 
   labs(y = "Max temp", x = "Days") 

j <- 3
betaj <- beta[,grep(xnames[j-1], colnames(beta))]
adat <- data.frame(x=1:tn, low=betaj[1,], med=betaj[2,], up=betaj[3,])
##            x        low         med       up
## xwdsp.1.t1 1 -1.4985475  0.56598079 2.653102
## xwdsp.1.t2 2 -1.2169513  0.40998021 1.991235
## xwdsp.1.t3 3 -1.6480721  0.54715825 2.509891
## xwdsp.1.t4 4 -0.8275222  0.51282102 1.730727
## xwdsp.1.t5 5 -2.0267017 -0.17835602 1.522054
## xwdsp.1.t6 6 -1.8557356  0.07192384 1.917112
pwdsp <- ggplot() + 
   geom_point(data = adat, aes(x =x, y = med, shape=19), shape=19, col="blue", size = 2) + 
   geom_ribbon(data = adat, aes(x =x, ymin =low, ymax = up), alpha = 0.2, color = "grey50") +
   theme(legend.position ="none") +  
   geom_hline(yintercept=0, linetype="dashed", color = "red", size=1) +
   labs(y = "Wind speed", x = "Days") 

j <- 4
betaj <- beta[,grep(xnames[j-1], colnames(beta))]
adat <- data.frame(x=1:tn, low=betaj[1,], med=betaj[2,], up=betaj[3,])
##          x       low         med       up
## xrh.1.t1 1 -4.673486  0.08340790 4.710658
## xrh.1.t2 2 -5.191933 -0.59409925 4.403957
## xrh.1.t3 3 -3.916520 -0.57157413 2.968728
## xrh.1.t4 4 -3.898812 -0.97632013 1.888477
## xrh.1.t5 5 -4.040512 -0.27236432 3.192834
## xrh.1.t6 6 -3.805560 -0.07178007 3.576767
prh <- ggplot() + 
   geom_point(data = adat, aes(x =x, y = med, shape=19), shape=19, col="blue", size = 2) + 
   geom_ribbon(data = adat, aes(x =x, ymin =low, ymax = up), alpha = 0.2, color = "grey50") +
   theme(legend.position ="none") +  
   geom_hline(yintercept=0, linetype="dashed", color = "red", size=1)+
   labs(y = "Rel humidity", x = "Days") 

ggarrange(pint, ptmp, pwdsp, prh, common.legend = TRUE, legend = "none", nrow = 2, ncol = 2)

ggsave(filename=paste0(figurepath, "beta_spBayes_dynamic.png"), device = "png")
## Saving 7 x 5 in image

M9 <-  Bsptime(package="spTimer", model="GPP", g_size=5, 
               formula=f2, data=nysptime,, 
               coordtype="utm", coords=4:5, scale.transform = "SQRT")
##  Output: GPP approximation models 
## ---------------------------------------------------------------
##  Sampled: 1000 of 2000, 50.00%.
##  Batch Acceptance Rate (phi): 35.94%
##  Checking Parameters: 
##    phi: 0.0071, rho: 0.1538, sig2eps: 0.1473, sig2eta: 0.8049
##    beta[1]: 4.1054   beta[2]: 0.1055   beta[3]: 0.1185   beta[4]: -0.1933
## ---------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------
##  Sampled: 2000 of 2000, 100.00%.
##  Batch Acceptance Rate (phi): 35.97%
##  Checking Parameters: 
##    phi: 0.0078, rho: 0.2477, sig2eps: 0.1344, sig2eta: 0.7907
##    beta[1]: 2.2545   beta[2]: 0.1592   beta[3]: 0.0656   beta[4]: -0.0172
## ---------------------------------------------------------------
## ## 
## # nBurn =  1000 . Iterations =  2000 . 
## # Acceptance rate: (phi) =  35.95 % 
## ## 
## ##
## # Elapsed time: 1.57 Sec.
## ##
## # Model: GPP
## ##
## # Total time taken:: 1.58  - Sec.

table7.12 <- M9$params
dput(table7.12, file=paste0(filepath, "table7.12.txt"))

aresid <- residuals(M9)
##  Note that the residuals are provided on the transformed scale. Please see the scale.transform argument.
## Summary of the residuals
##      Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max.      NA's 
## -1.759101 -0.177575  0.015745  0.000779  0.185278  1.537252        24

ggsave(filename=paste0(figurepath, "M9_residuals.png"))
## Saving 7 x 5 in image
valids <- c(8,11,12,14,18,21,24,28)
vrows <- getvalidrows(sn=28, tn=62, valids=valids, allt=T)

M9.5 <-   Bsptime(package="spTimer", model="GPP", g_size=5, 
                  formula=f2, data=nysptime, validrow=vrows,, 
                  coordtype="utm", coords=4:5, scale.transform = "SQRT", mchoice=T)
##  Output: GPP approximation models 
## ---------------------------------------------------------------
##  Sampled: 1000 of 2000, 50.00%.
##  Batch Acceptance Rate (phi): 29.43%
##  Checking Parameters: 
##    phi: 0.0050, rho: 0.1443, sig2eps: 0.1628, sig2eta: 0.6021
##    beta[1]: 3.8814   beta[2]: 0.0991   beta[3]: 0.0797   beta[4]: -0.0220
## ---------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------
##  Sampled: 2000 of 2000, 100.00%.
##  Batch Acceptance Rate (phi): 30.27%
##  Checking Parameters: 
##    phi: 0.0050, rho: 0.1114, sig2eps: 0.1405, sig2eta: 0.7446
##    beta[1]: 2.0783   beta[2]: 0.1443   beta[3]: 0.0865   beta[4]: 0.1397
## ---------------------------------------------------------------
## ## 
## # nBurn =  1000 . Iterations =  2000 . 
## # Acceptance rate: (phi) =  30.25 % 
## ## 
## ##
## # Elapsed time: 1.7 Sec.
## ##
## # Model: GPP
## ##
## # Total time taken:: 3.95  - Sec.
M9.4 <-   Bsptime(package="spTimer", model="GPP", g_size=4,, 
                  formula=f2, data=nysptime, validrow=vrows, 
                  coordtype="utm", coords=4:5, scale.transform = "SQRT", mchoice=T)
##  Output: GPP approximation models 
## ---------------------------------------------------------------
##  Sampled: 1000 of 2000, 50.00%.
##  Batch Acceptance Rate (phi): 45.35%
##  Checking Parameters: 
##    phi: 0.0062, rho: 0.3409, sig2eps: 0.1569, sig2eta: 1.0597
##    beta[1]: 3.0971   beta[2]: 0.1351   beta[3]: 0.0258   beta[4]: 0.1065
## ---------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------
##  Sampled: 2000 of 2000, 100.00%.
##  Batch Acceptance Rate (phi): 43.17%
##  Checking Parameters: 
##    phi: 0.0071, rho: 0.3867, sig2eps: 0.1526, sig2eta: 0.8153
##    beta[1]: 4.7592   beta[2]: 0.0741   beta[3]: 0.0645   beta[4]: 0.0247
## ---------------------------------------------------------------
## ## 
## # nBurn =  1000 . Iterations =  2000 . 
## # Acceptance rate: (phi) =  43.15 % 
## ## 
## ##
## # Elapsed time: 0.89 Sec.
## ##
## # Model: GPP
## ##
## # Total time taken:: 3.03  - Sec.

M9.3 <-   Bsptime(package="spTimer", model="GPP", g_size=3,, 
                  formula=f2, data=nysptime, validrow=vrows, 
                  coordtype="utm", coords=4:5, scale.transform = "SQRT", mchoice=T)
##  Output: GPP approximation models 
## ---------------------------------------------------------------
##  Sampled: 1000 of 2000, 50.00%.
##  Batch Acceptance Rate (phi): 51.55%
##  Checking Parameters: 
##    phi: 0.0034, rho: 0.7170, sig2eps: 0.1849, sig2eta: 1.6803
##    beta[1]: 6.3981   beta[2]: -0.0290   beta[3]: -0.0188   beta[4]: -0.1450
## ---------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------
##  Sampled: 2000 of 2000, 100.00%.
##  Batch Acceptance Rate (phi): 53.03%
##  Checking Parameters: 
##    phi: 0.0047, rho: 0.3533, sig2eps: 0.1954, sig2eta: 0.9971
##    beta[1]: 6.7283   beta[2]: -0.0019   beta[3]: 0.0442   beta[4]: -0.1023
## ---------------------------------------------------------------
## ## 
## # nBurn =  1000 . Iterations =  2000 . 
## # Acceptance rate: (phi) =  53 % 
## ## 
## ##
## # Elapsed time: 0.48 Sec.
## ##
## # Model: GPP
## ##
## # Total time taken:: 2.66  - Sec.

u3 <-  c(3, M9.3$mchoice, unlist(M9.3$stats))
u4 <-  c(4, M9.4$mchoice, unlist(M9.4$stats))
u5 <-  c(5, M9.5$mchoice, unlist(M9.5$stats))

table7.11 <- rbind(u3, u4, u5)
##         gof penalty    pmcc     rmse      mae     crps      cvg
## u3 3 200.13  953.99 1154.12 6.573376 5.047318 7.802914 99.79508
## u4 4 145.39  836.05  981.44 6.336695 4.820222 7.024905 99.38525
## u5 5 146.31  815.13  961.44 6.404986 4.874754 7.300427 99.38525
# xtable(table7.11, digits=2)
dput(table7.11, file=paste0(filepath, "table7.11.txt"))
coords <- nyspatial[, c("Longitude", "Latitude")]
nymap <- map_data(database="state",regions="new york")
colnames(kcoords) <- c("Longitude", "Latitude")

knotplot <- ggplot() +
   geom_polygon(data=nymap, aes(x=long, y=lat, group=group),
                color="black", size = 0.6, fill=NA) +
   geom_point(data =coords, aes(x=Longitude,y=Latitude), shape=8) +
   geom_point(data =kcoords, aes(x=Longitude,y=Latitude), fill="red", col="red", size=2, shape=21) +
   ggsn::scalebar(data =nymap, dist = 100, location = "topleft", transform=T, dist_unit = "km",
                  st.dist = .05, st.size = 5, height = .06, st.bottom=T, model="WGS84") +
   ggsn::north(data=nymap, location="topright", symbol=12) + 
   labs(x="Longitude", y = "Latitude", size=2.5)
ggsave(file=paste0(figurepath, "knot_sites.png"))
if (longrun) {
f2 <- y8hrmax~xmaxtemp+xwdsp+xrh
f3 <- y8hrmax~ xmaxtemp + sp(xmaxtemp)+ tp(xwdsp) + xrh

valids <- c(8,11,12,14,18,21,24,28)
vrows <- getvalidrows(sn=28, tn=62, valids=valids, allt=T)

M1.v <- Bsptime(model="lm", formula=f2, data=nysptime, 
                scale.transform = "SQRT", validrows=vrows, N=5000, mchoice=T)

M2.v <- Bsptime(model="separable",  formula=f2, data=nysptime, 
                coordtype="utm", coords=4:5, 
                phi.s=0.005, phi.t=0.05, scale.transform = "SQRT", 
                validrows=vrows, N=5000, mchoice=T)

M3.v <- Bsptime(package="spTimer", model="GP", formula=f2, data=nysptime, 
                coordtype="utm", coords=4:5, scale.transform = "SQRT", 
                mchoice=T, validrows=vrows, N=5000,

M4.v <- Bsptime(package="stan",formula=f2, data=nysptime, 
                coordtype="utm", coords=4:5, scale.transform = "SQRT", 
                N=5000, mchoice=T, validrows=vrows, 
                verbose = F)

# 8 mins 
M5.v <- Bsptime(package="spTimer", model="AR", formula=f2, data=nysptime, 
                coordtype="utm", coords=4:5, scale.transform = "SQRT", 
                validrows=vrows, mchoice=T,  N=5000, = 2)

M6.v <- Bsptime(package="inla", model="AR", formula=f2, data=nysptime, 
                coordtype="utm", coords=4:5, scale.transform = "SQRT", 
                validrows=vrows,  N=5000, mchoice=T)
#6 mins 41s

M7.v <- Bsptime(package="sptDyn", model="GP", formula=f3, data=nysptime, 
                coordtype="utm", coords=4:5, scale.transform = "SQRT", 
                mchoice=T,  N=5000, validrows=vrows,

M8.v <- Bsptime(package="spBayes",  formula=f2, data=nysptime, 
                coordtype="utm", coords=4:5, scale.transform = "SQRT", 
                prior.sigma2=c(2, 25),
                prior.tau2 =c(2, 25),
                prior.sigma.eta =c(2, 0.001),
                mchoice=T,  N=5000, validrows=vrows,

M9.v <-   Bsptime(package="spTimer", model="GPP", g_size=5, 
                  formula=f2, data=nysptime, validrow=vrows, 
                  coordtype="utm", coords=4:5, scale.transform = "SQRT", mchoice=T, 
        , N=5000)

results <-$stats), separable=unlist(M2.v$stats), 
                            spTimerGP=unlist(M3.v$stats), stan=unlist(M4.v$stats),inla=unlist(M6.v$stats),
                            spTimerAR=unlist(M5.v$stats), spTDyn=unlist(M7.v$stats), 
                            spBayes=unlist(M8.v$stats),  sptimerGPP=unlist(M9.v$stats))

mcres <-$mchoice)[9:11], separable=unlist(M2.v$mchoice)[9:11], 
                          spTimerGP=unlist(M3.v$mchoice)[9:11], stan=unlist(M4.v$mchoice)[9:11],
                          spTimerAR=unlist(M5.v$mchoice), spTDyn=unlist(M7.v$mchoice), 
                          spBayes=unlist(M8.v$mchoice),  sptimerGPP=unlist(M9.v$mchoice))                   
allres <-, mcres)
table7.13 <- allres[, -8]
# xtable(table7.13, digits=2)
dput(table7.13, file=paste0(filepath, "table7.13.txt"))
} else {
   table7.13 <- dget(file=paste0(filepath, "table7.13.txt"))
##                  lm  separable   spTimerGP       stan       inla  spTimerAR
## rmse       9.349713   6.491904    6.401791   6.420053   9.728621   6.461426
## mae        7.543205   5.000449    4.938585   4.851079   7.649771   4.991846
## crps       5.665111  10.561421    6.791781   3.568710   2.669567   5.969121
## cvg       98.360656  99.590164   99.590164  92.827869  65.163934  99.385246
## gof      728.907405 218.488548  181.710000 173.447236 527.418430 185.760000
## penalty  731.614443 195.369254  935.420000 266.226947  17.291486 718.470000
## pmcc    1460.521848 413.857802 1117.130000 439.674183 544.709917 904.230000
##             spTDyn sptimerGPP
## rmse      6.588660   6.357974
## mae       5.114160   4.850027
## crps      5.121886   7.472485
## cvg      99.385246  99.385246
## gof      71.300000 146.690000
## penalty 467.460000 815.850000
## pmcc    538.760000 962.540000
 # colnames(table7.13) <- c("M1", "M2", "M3", "M4", "M5", "M6", "M7", "M9")
 # xtable(table7.13, digits=2)

# All done 
end.time <- proc.time()[3]
comp.time<- (end.time-start.time)/60
# comp.time<-fancy.time(comp.time)
##  elapsed 
## 3.954617